A space to reflect on the university experience and the wider educational journey of life and love.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Letting Go, Holding On

One of my wonderful floor mates, Emily, gave me a great quote the other day:
" All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." - Henry Ellis

It feels more real than ever.  Sometimes I find myself torn between two (or three) worlds, of my old school Pearson College, my home and family, and finally here where I actually live.  It is hard to let go, because at Pearson and at home there is so much attachment - to people and place.

What do you think?  Is it better to live in the present? Or divulge temporarily into the past or future?  Obviously sometimes it's necessary to plan or reflect, but how does one go about "living now?"  I know Eckhart Tolle has some interesting ideas on the topic....

On another note, classes are great!  I especially love sociology, gender studies, and English!  I have some rad profs!

1 comment:

  1. you should feel torn between places you love. its natural.
