A space to reflect on the university experience and the wider educational journey of life and love.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Long Time, New Country

Dear lovely readers,

So much time has passed I don't know if you remember me! I am writing this post from the bedroom of a very kind UWC grad who has so kindly allowed other UWCers to couchsurf- even if she isn't home.  The leaves are fluttering elegantly in the breeze outside this historic building made of stone in Edinburgh.

  I am currently travelling in the UK visiting old and new friends.  It has been an absolutely spectacular journey so far. So many people have reinstalled my faith in humanity and I am so grateful to have had many spontaneous experiences thus far!

Many things happened today:

- I went to a farmers market and a craft market
- I found myself spontaneously in the middle of a free Palestine protest
- I climbed a beautiful hill called Arthur's seat in Edinburgh
- I made a new beautiful friend from Germany atop previously mentioned hill
- I had a lovely conversation and tea in a park
- I bought a sweater for $7 since Scotland is colder than expected!
- I skyped with a dear friend - had a spontaneous nap - finally updated this blog.

The last month of my first year at university was a whirlwind of lovely times with lovely people, studying and completing exams, packing up, and saying goodbye....I will write more reflections as soon as I can and include some photos :)

Much love to you,

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lucky to be Busy

Dearest patient readers,

Well it has been ages since I wrote. The last 3 weeks or so have been so jam packed, having time to find my breath has escaped me, and I have not been able to think past the next hour, never mind get onto Blogger. But everyone's busy these days aren't they? It used to bug me so much when people would make excuses: "Sorry! Can't do that! I'm busy!"

Well hello then, Busy.

What does busy mean anyway? I'm tired of being busy. You know, just as I wrote that, I thought - wow, what a privileged thing to say.  What have I been busy with?  Getting post-secondary education in one of the best countries, at one of the best schools. Poor me.

 Nevertheless, I am going to make it my mission to fill my life with things that are important instead of getting sucked up by busyness.

I've been thinking a lot about my trip to Kenya lately with the Kule Foundation and whenever I start to feel ungrateful or burnt out I look into the eyes of the little children whose photos are up on my wall.  I remember talking with the Women's Empowerment group at Kibera Hamlets.  I remember the looks of amazement on peoples' faces when I told them I would be going to university.  I was baffled.  Why were they so impressed?  Why did I never realize the true privilege of being able to attend UBC? 

If the next part of the post sounds silly, it is because I am trying to describe something that is not really meant for words to describe.

I feel lucky.  It never ceases to amaze me just how diverse our experiences are, all determined by something so random (or maybe not so random) as who our parents are and where we live.  I feel lucky for my wonderfully supportive and loving parents.  I feel lucky for my incredible brother and my enlightening, kind grandparents.  I feel lucky for the roof over my head, for the books on my shelf, for the sunshine outside.  I feel lucky.

I also feel lucky to be healthy.  Someone close to me is very ill and I cannot imagine what kind of suffering and pain many people must be going through. I am in awe of the undefeatable human spirit inside, in awe of  courage, in awe of the willingness to grow and accept what life throws at us.  We don't know what could be tossed our way in the next minute, we don't know what will present itself as we turn the next corner.

Speaking of corners, I have now entered my third decade of life.  No, I am not 30.  But it is a milestone and it was a lovely birthday despite not being a spectacular Pearson extravaganza.  The past ten years have been such an incredible and unforeseen journey.  I have found myself in places and circumstances that seemed impossible or limited to my imagination...I have seen many dreams manifest, I have met many wonderful souls, I have learned a few things.

And I have a lot more to learn.  Life as a 20 year old seems pretty amazing at the moment.  Thank you for everything.  Thank you for everything.  Thank you for everything.

May you feel grateful for the blessings in your life, even if they don't look like blessings yet.

With a full heart,

Picture from Rejoice - UBCO's first ever international fashion show, featuring clothes from UBCO students' closets and Toronto Fashion Week.  For more see: ubco.tv and http://bookedstyle.blogspot.ca/2012/03/rejoice-fashion-show_29.html