A space to reflect on the university experience and the wider educational journey of life and love.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Low (Moods and Marks)

My french teacher in high school once told me getting university marks at first feels like a "slap in the face."  It actually feels more like a full on fist fight.  

I just received my marks back for my first two assignments.   Ladies and gentlemen - they were NOT a pretty sight!! Actually more like a crime scene, bloody and ugly.

I am one of those people who pretends not to take my grades too seriously (and usually I don't) but today I full on wept. WHO CRIES after a bad mark?  Well I do, apparently.

This sucks.  Today I don't like university or hard marking TAs.

1 comment:

  1. i can relate to that. but you do seem to be learning things, judging from other posts... and fundamentally that's what's going to make the difference :)
