A space to reflect on the university experience and the wider educational journey of life and love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Exams, Etc.

It has been a while since I posted, and I suppose it's because I have been studying at all hours of day and night, my head buried in stacks of books, dutifully re-writing notes, and preparing.  Ha.  Well there was a little of that going on, but also some chill days, socializing, getting out into Kelowna, shopping, cooking, and all that other stuff that constitutes real life.  

I have often wondered what this "study till you drop" mentality is preparing us for.  I say, nothing!   So I have taken some alternative approaches to studying for finals  One of my favorites is covering the wall in blank paper, taking some bright felt pens, and making a masterpiece of notes.   The picture demonstrates part of my wall-decorating, imagine it from floor to ceiling, covering the entire door. I don't what it is about this technique that appeals to me, the standing and writing (like a teacher), the colours, working toward a goal...I don't know.  But I have the amazing Anwen from Wales to thank for the idea!

So I suppose everyone has their nuanced approaches to studying that works for them.  Some days I long for the even more radical approaches of no test taking at all...but this is real life, I guess.

Lately I have been trying to evaluate whether or not I am fully happy here.  Most days I am content. I like my window to the mountains, I love my roommate to the max, I have good friends who I make Sunday dinners with, I have interesting classes with inspiring profs.  But what is missing?  I don’t really feel part of a community.  It is definitely going to take a measure of warming up to somewhere besides Pearson.  Although I hate to admit it, sometimes I feel a bit of anger towards an education that set such a high standard  before.  Of course I am more grateful than anything, but sometimes it feels like nothing will ever compare.

In the end, I am trusting the “first is the worst” theory and trying to imagine all the wonderful things that are in store for me next term.  My go global application to New Zealand, my amazing courses (Gender studies, English, Anthro, and International Politics), new friends to meet, visiting Pearson, spring-time...and doing my yoga teacher training in the summer!     I am really looking forward to being home, cooking delicious food, and being with loved ones.  Despite a looming wisdom teeth removal I think it is going to be a relaxing and lovely break.

In other news, I have been spending some wonderful quality time with Camille and we discovered the absolutely DELICIOUS lahksa soup they serve at a Malaysian cafe in Kelowna called The Mad Mango.  It is sooooo good.

I wish you all the best for whatever you do this month and so much joy, peace, and love for the coming year.    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog – big hugs to you!

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